How we built a high-performance Akka system from scratch: Gentleman's set and pitfalls

Day 3 /  / Track 3  /  RU / Introduction to technology

Kirill will tell about the experience of creating payment system using Akka from learning from scratch to building a cluster and integrating this platform with more familiar technologies which are convenient within their niche, for example, Spring Boot.

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Kirill Danilov
Kirill Danilov
Mir Plat.Form

In Java world since 2001. Managed to work on platforms from J2ME to J2EE. Now a developer in Mir Plat.Form, Fast Payment System project.

Invited Experts

Vadim Tsesko

Currently, lead developer at Odnoklassniki Platform. Joined IT/CS field in 2004 with hydroacoustic systems and research projects on static code analysis. Had been developing high-performance distributed services at Yandex. Verticals for more than 5 years. Occasionally gives lectures on parallel computing and distributed data storage.