Inner loop development with Spring Boot on Kubernetes

День 3 /  / Трек 1  /  EN / Для практикующих инженеров  /  telepresence,skaffold,demo

What's the best experience of developing an application and deploying it to Kubernetes as part of the "inner loop"? You want to make changes to the source code and see them wiggle as quickly as possible. Is that even possible with the application deployed to Kubernetes?

In this talk, we will explore tooling and configuration options that get you to this goal, making use of all the newest features of Spring Boot, but also of the various tools from the Kubernetes community.


David Syer

Founder of Spring Cloud, Spring Boot, Spring Batch, and an active contributor to Spring Integration, Spring Framework, Spring AMQP, Spring Security. Experienced, delivery-focused architect and development manager. Has designed and built successful enterprise software solutions using Spring, and implemented them in major institutions worldwide.

Приглашенные эксперты

Сергей Егоров

Сергей является активным участником open source-сообщества, членом Apache Software Foundation, одним из главных разработчиков проекта Testcontainers и контрибьютором в разного рода проектах (Apache Groovy, Testcontainers, Spring Boot, JBoss Modules и не только).

Алексей Нестеров
BeZero Carbon

Разработчик в команде Spring Cloud Commerical, ранее Pivotal Labs, фанат Test-Driven Development и lean-подхода к разработке; фанат open source, автор и тот самый Алексей из еженедельного Hi-Tech подкаста Radio-T.