Why you should upgrade your Java for containers

День 4 /  / Трек 2  /  EN / Для практикующих инженеров  /  контейнеры,docker,jfr

Research at New Relic shows that roughly 62% of production Java workloads in 2021 are run in containers. However, a majority of containerized Java workloads are still running Java 8 — a version that is suboptimal for containers and will not ever have those problems fixed.

This session is a no-nonsense journey through the main reasons why Java 8 is no longer an acceptable solution — primarily for container deployments but the lessons are applicable more generally.

We'll discuss the technical improvements present in Java 11, why it is so much better for containers than Java 8, and helpful tips about how to measure efficiency and cost savings.

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Ben Evans
New Relic

Ben Evans is an author, speaker, architect and educator. He is currently Principal Engineer and Lead Architect for Instrumentation at New Relic. Previously, he co-founded jClarity, an application performance startup (acquired by Microsoft) and before that was Chief Architect for Listed Derivatives at Deutsche Bank. Ben served for 6 years on the Java Community Process Executive Committee, helping define standards for the Java ecosystem. He is a Java Champion, 3-time JavaOne Rockstar Speaker and the Java/JVM Track Lead at InfoQ.

Ben is author of "The Well-Grounded Java Developer", "Java: The Legend", "Optimizing Java" and the new editions of "Java in a Nutshell". He is a regular speaker and educator on topics such as the Java platform, systems architecture, security, performance and concurrency at conferences all over the world (pandemic permitting).

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Антон Архипов

Антон - Developer Advocate в команде Kotlin в JetBrains. Долгое время программировал на Java. Последние 10 лет причастен к разработке инструментов для разработчиков ПО.