Building scalable microservices for Java using Helidon and Coherence CE

День 1 /  / Трек 4  /  EN / Для практикующих инженеров  /  streaming,cloud,jakartaee,microprofile,javaee,cache,persistence

Helidon and Coherence Community Edition continue to improve support for developing Java microservices with innovations such as MicroProfile API updates, integration with Micronaut and other Java runtimes, GraphQL and GraalVM support, and polyglot client support. This session will introduce you to Helidon and Coherence Community Edition, summarize recent innovations and work in process, and demonstrate how to use these open source frameworks to build scalable REST, gRPC, and GraphQL microservices.

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Дмитрий Александров

Со-лидер болгарской Java User Group, Java Champion, Oracle Groundbreaker. Помимо работы над Project Helidon, читает лекции на конференциях. Организатор конференции — крупнейшей Java-конференции на Балканах. В перечень основных интересов входят динамические языки на JVM, Java Enterprise, MicroProfile, а также вся Spring-инфраструктура. Увлекается всяческими экспериментальными Java-проектами, а также GPU-программированием.

Aleksandar Seovic

Aleks Seović is an architect at Oracle where he works on Oracle Coherence — a leading in-memory data grid product — and contributes to the Helidon microservices framework. Most recently, Aleks led the design and implementation of the gRPC framework, CDI, and Eclipse MicroProfile support in Oracle Coherence. He currently leads the implementation of Oracle Coherence native clients, GraphQL support, and Helidon, Micronaut, and Spring integration.