Real World JFR: Experiences building and deploying a continuous profiler at scale

День 4 /  / Трек 2  /  EN / Для практикующих инженеров  /  jdk,performance,tools

The JDK Flight Recorder (JFR) was open sourced with JDK 11, and was subsequently back-ported to JDK 8u262. JFR allows for always-on production time profiling, with little overhead and with a rich set of data.

This talk will discuss things to consider when using JFR to profile hundreds of thousands of JVMs in mission-critical systems all over the world. We will discuss trade-offs, limits, workarounds, and insights we've learned as we've developed the Java profiling capabilities at Datadog.

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Jean-Philippe Bempel

Developer and Java Champion passionate by performance, runtimes (JVM, CLR), and Mechanical Sympathy supporter, Jean-Philippe has more than 8 years of experience in low latency trading systems. After he brings his expertise on the JVM at Criteo to optimize resources on thousand node clusters. He is now at Datadog to evaluate & improve both profiler & tracer agent.

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Иван Крылов

Иван Крылов работает над JVM последние 15 лет. Занимается инфраструктурой JIT-компиляторов и AOT-компиляцией.

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